Babies and toddlers can keep themselves occupied quite well on their own at times – and sometimes they have to or should.
Parents can’t give their little one their full attention all the time, which is impossible when driving a car, for example.
Your child can occupy themselves with their favorite toy or with toys that are specially designed for on the go.
This gives them variety and prevents them from getting bored straight away.
This can be attached to the baby carriage, Maxi Cosi or car seat, used when visiting relatives or even on the plane to prevent boredom.
Toys are a dime a dozen, so you can choose an age-appropriate and educationally valuable baby toy so that you don’t have to feel guilty even during long car journeys.
Baby toys for the car journey
Depending on whether the car journey is taking place after an exciting day or whether your child is rested and fit, you can offer appropriate toys.
It is important that your little one sits in the car with a fresh diaper and a full meal, so that these disruptive factors can be excluded, which would otherwise cause the baby to whine.

Relaxation toy
If you want to offer your little one something to relax with that helps them wind down after a long outing, don’t forget their favorite cuddly toy.
Your child will probably sleep like a baby with it.
Entertainment toys
If you are planning a longer journey by car, it is best to organize the departure so that your child sleeps during the journey.
Your child’s favorite cuddly toy is also important here, as well as a cuddle cloth to calm them down.
If your little one wants to be entertained, multimedia toys are suitable: a sound play cube is not only an ideal toy for children at home, it is also suitable for traveling by car.
The child can select and change the audio games and music independently.
It becomes interesting for the little ones when they are allowed to use headphones.
This gives you some peace and quiet while driving and you don’t have to listen to everything.
Instead, baby listens contentedly to the radio plays.
A baby tablet is an educational toy that contains various educational games, sounds and music.
Magnetic drawing boards also enchant toddlers on the go, as they can make lots of drawings and wipe them away just as quickly.
A single-decker laptop offers lots of buttons to press, sounds to listen to and animals, colors and shapes to discover.
So that the little ones always have everything they need for the car journey to hand, there are practical cup holders as well as so-called organizers that can be hung on the back seat.
All kinds of utensils can be stored in them, and the small compartments have space for small snacks and toys as well as the drinks bottle.
Toys also suitable for the very little ones
Baby carriage and pacifier chains can be attached to the Maxi Cosi, to which you can attach the OBall, a cloth book, a play glove, play rings, a rattle or even a vehicle key with sound.
This way, your little one can reach for the pendant as required and keep himself busy.
Motor skills are developed automatically.
Baby toys for the walk
If the walk doesn’t take too long, toddlers enjoy their surroundings.
Passing cars, building sites, bridges, animals, plants and much more fascinate the little ones and they want to know what they are seeing.
Lots to show and explain makes walking in a baby carriage a tour of discovery.

On walks through the forest where everything looks the same after a short time, small children lose interest in their surroundings.
A toy that can be attached to the baby carriage is particularly useful if the mother wants to have a chat with her walking companion.
A baby carriage chain with a pendant is particularly suitable for this.
It is attached within easy reach of the child so that they can grab it at any time and play with it.
Sometimes you also have to offer it to him and encourage him to play.
In addition to the OBall and play rings, children’s books can also be used on the baby carriage chain, which can also relate to the environment.
This allows the child to make a connection between the book and the environment.
You can also offer your toddler natural materials that you find on your walk.
Flowers and pine cones are interesting to examine more closely.
Of course, toddlers should also get some exercise.
Whether on a balance bike or by themselves (by the hand), the little ones can let off steam.
The walk is also varied on a tricycle, with or without handlebars.
Baby toys for visiting relatives
If it is a visit to grandma and grandpa’s house where the child can stay alone, different toys may be needed than when the parents are present.

Visit with parents:
The cuddly toy accompanies your child everywhere – even to grandma and grandpa.
A pull-along toy is also very popular with the little ones and a welcome companion.
A crawling blanket for the very little ones is always useful so that the baby can move around.
Other favorite toys for toddlers at grandma and grandpa’s are books, a doll or crayons, toy cars and much more, which can be quickly packed in the bag and easily put to use.
Visiting without parents:
If your child stays with their grandparents for a few hours or even overnight, homesickness can quickly set in.
To counteract this, you can give your child a comfort cushion.
There is a small window hidden in this cuddly cushion in which you can put a photo of you and your child to calm them down.
However, you should first try out how your child reacts to it.
In the best case, it will actually comfort them.
Or it may cry all the more.
Then it is better if the grandparents distract the grandchild with toys or other methods to divert their thoughts to something else.
Baby toys for traveling by plane
If you are traveling by plane, you should also plan well before you start your journey.
As with long-distance car journeys, you should plan the flight so that your child can sleep.

In addition to the cuddly toy, the pacifier chain is just as important for the flight as a grasping toy or a rattle.
Baby carriage chains can be easily attached to the back of the seat in front.
Toddlers enjoy a window seat so that they can look out from time to time and experience the view from above.
They will be so fascinated that there will always be a need for conversation or the child will be lost in thought.
Other activities during the flight:
- Snacks for on the go: They shorten the flight if they are always offered in between, e.g. lollipops, pretzels, cookies, …
- Stickers to peel off and stick on
- Card games, even just to look at them
- Tip-toi books
- Magnetic board
- Small gifts to unwrap: Simply wrap a few toys and let them surprise you.
- Coloring materials and other entertainment are usually provided for the little ones by the flight crew.
Clean baby toys properly
Favorite toys are constantly in use – at home and on the go – and therefore get dirty quickly.
They often end up in corners where not even a vacuum cleaner can reach.
Children put them in their mouths and touch them with hands that are not always clean.
This can quickly lead to the spread of germs and even make them ill.
Therefore, clean the play utensils and the cuddly toy at regular intervals.
Especially if they are visibly dirty or your child has been ill.
You can clean plastic toys with a damp cloth and a little washing-up liquid or use disinfectant wipes, which are also safe for the youngest children.
Battery compartments must be cut out and batteries removed beforehand!
Soft toys can usually be washed in the washing machine.
To prevent them from breaking, use a laundry net or wrap the soft toys in a cloth and knot it together.
Untreated wood should only be wiped with a slightly damp cloth, varnished wood can also be cleaned with a solution of water and a little vinegar.
If you are out and about with your child, suitable baby toys are not only suitable for calming, but also for promoting motor skills and the senses of touch, sight and hearing.
These toys are therefore educationally valuable and are particularly suitable for situations in which you need to concentrate on other things.
Whether books or cuddly toys, you decide for yourself which toys suit your child best.