Gender note
Example of gender marketing: girls wear pink and boys wear blue.
[lwptoc]Generic masculine
To improve readability, we use the masculine form for personal names and personal nouns on this website.
However, in terms of equal treatment, these terms apply to all genders. The use of the abbreviated language form is for editorial reasons only and does not imply any judgment.
This approach also corresponds to the curricula for the DTZ exam (German test for immigrants) of the Goethe-Institut and the Trier Adult Education Center, where Lynn Appel – the founder and owner of SindiBaba – acquired her German language skills and passed her language exams.
Gender marketing & gender stereotypes
In our product catalog, there is an option to filter products by gender (“Suitable for”).
This is not to reinforce gender stereotypes, but to meet the demand of many website visitors who are looking for toys based on gender suitability – in our line of business this is usually a combination of color and animal motif.
If you do not agree with this method, please do not use the “Suitable for” filter. Our product filters work on the principle of hiding and are set to display the largest possible number of products when no filter is applied.
To be on first or last name terms
In 2020, we decided to change the formal form of address on our website from “Sie” to “Du”.
This is to address our main target group and follow the general trend.
However, if you contact us, we will continue to address you as “you”, as correspondence or contact via telephone and chat is more personal than addressing an anonymous crowd via a website.
Sometimes we are not quite sure whether this decision was the right one or whether it was made too early.
In the long term, however, we believe that the “Du” will continue to gain popularity over the formal “Sie”.